USDA Forest Service - Southwestern Region R3

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USDA Forest Service - Southwestern Region R3

Post by aplsadmin2018 » Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:33 am

GS-1373-9/11/12 – Land Surveyor
Southwestern Region – R3
Lands and Minerals Staff

The USDA Forest Service Region 3 Boundary Management team is outreaching for a permanent GS-1373-9/11/12 Land Surveyor for the New Mexico portion of the regional lands zone. The position will require the successful applicant to be located at one of the National Forests listed below.
ABOUT THE POSITION: The incumbent will have comprehensive knowledge of the concepts, principles and practices of professional land surveying and will provide professional land surveying input for the planning and programming of regional land surveying priorities. The incumbent will be responsible for the implementation and accomplishment of the finalized program. The incumbent will serve as an expert on survey matters; define the scope of all survey projects; write instructions and specifications; assign work to subordinates or contractors; and review, evaluate, and approve all legal plats, descriptions and reports that require Land Surveyor certifications. The incumbent will make professional recommendations and provide technical assistance and guidance to unit management and staff personnel to resolve complex survey problems.
The incumbent will be expected to spend a portion of their time serving as a Contracting Officer’s Representative on land survey projects formally contracted to private firms and a portion of their time working in the field on land survey projects executed by the agency. The incumbent is expected to be physically fit to independently perform field surveys across arduous and remote terrain and in all types of vegetation and weather conditions. Often the field work is performed alone.
The incumbent will be responsible for ensuring all data of any survey is georeferenced to the National Spatial Reference System and of sufficient quality and completeness that all appropriate exhibits, drawings, plats, and other items can be accurately created by the incumbent, and that all required items can be recorded with the appropriate local government entity. The incumbent will also ensure that all Federal and State regulations are followed during the course of a survey. The incumbent will be required to be a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the state in which the duty station is located, or obtain the license(s) within one year of hire.
The incumbent may perform supervisory duties 20% or less of the time. The incumbent may direct a crew of 1-4 other individuals in the field, ensuring all individuals are instructed in safety practices, training, and the proper procedures of surveying.

For information about the Forests supported by this position, please visit the following websites:
Gila National Forest:
Lincoln National Forest:
Cibola National Forest
Santa Fe National Forest
Carson National Forest
OUTREACH Notice R3Zone Surveyor GS-9-11-12 1373 2022.pdf
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